GLP501 is a common current and grounding protection control device with large capacity and resource redundancy design, suitable for the radial power grid power system with direct grounding, resistance grounding or impedance grounding of the electrical power system of 35kV and below, which can protect, control and monitor the intervals between inlet and outlet wires of the medium pressure distribution network, and set protection functions for different current type with three kinds of non-power protections according to the site condition.
1. Designed for the protection of intervals between the inlet and outlet wires of the medium pressure distribution network;
2. Integrate protection, control and status monitoring for applications requiring only current protection;
3. The input power, analog and digital signal can be real-time monitored through the device with configuration of the online self-test program;
4. The device does not lose power if there is 100ms interruption interval of the power supply;
5. Chinese and English display interface can be inter-switchable;
6. Professional EMC common-ground design and overall application of industrial-grade components. Sufficient electrical-isolation has been adopted for all connections with the external to ensure the safety and reliability of the installation.